
Problem Solving: Garden Challenges
Every gardener faces challenges in their garden at some point. Arguably, the most frustrating issue is when the garden isn't producing. I recently received this text from a friend, “Garden is weird; it’s tall and full, but not producing.”
Nutrients in the Garden 8: Soil for Container Gardening
While working on our advanced degrees, my husband and I lived in a tiny apartment with an even tinier balcony. We were living off student loans and trying to make the most of it. The balcony was the only place for me to garden. It wasn’t ideal, but I was determined to garden. Where there's a will, there's a way!
Fighting Flood Waters
One of my oldest, dearest, childhood friends, Tina, married a farmer and is living the farm life in western Iowa. During our youth, she spent many hours on our farm.