Learning Garden

Fall Lawn and Garden Checklist
There is a worn path in the grass that leads from the garden to the kitchen. After months of hard work, I am met with the excitement of enough vegetables to preserve; green beans to can, sweet corn to freeze, and cucumbers to pickle... you get the idea!
Garden Calendar: August Tips
It was a root and tuber kind of weekend; we pulled carrots and dug potatoes. The harvest makes me thankful for the hours of sweat I put into keeping the weeds out and the soil fertile. August finds me in the kitchen preserving produce from the garden. It makes for some long days but it is well worth it!
Nutrients in the Garden 18: Oh Hail
Oh Hail! I watched the dark clouds roll in as I weeded the garden. I thought I would weed until it started raining, however, when the lightning started I headed to the house. Within twenty minutes, the garden was gone. Hail and high winds shredded my tender plants as I helplessly watched from the window.
School Garden Spotlight: Tony Jensen
Mr. Jensen, agriculture teacher in Nebraska, has always spent a lot of time outside. From landscaping with his wife to activities like hiking and camping, he knows the value of getting some fresh air. Now, with the creation of a growing dome, his students are able to connect with nature while at school!
My Garden Resolutions
I learned so much about gardening this past year; perhaps, my thumb turned a darker shade of green. However, I know that no two garden seasons are the same; the weather and seasons will continue to put my gardening skills to the test, which is part of the reason I like gardening. It’s always a challenge and one can never know it all.
Teacher Spotlight: Sue Meggers
Ms. Meggers is an avid gardener and overall soil enthusiast! She teaches seventh and eighth grade at Interstate 35 Secondary in Madison County, Iowa where she and fellow teacher, Hannah Ludwig, created a beautiful school garden.
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