This is our second guest post from Pink Tractor and we love the topic! I have mentioned before that while working on our advanced degrees, my husband and I lived in a tiny apartment with an even tinier balcony. We were living off student loans and trying to make the most of it.
The balcony was the only place for me to garden. For those of us with space constraints, this gardening post is for you. Where there’s a will, there’s a way!
Urban farming is getting more popular as people want to know what they are eating and where their food comes from. From chickens in the backyard to kitchen gardens, urban farming is becoming the norm for some city-dwellers. So today we have some ideas on making the most of a balcony garden.
The best way to get started is to start small. Choose herbs that are familiar so you will use them! For example, parsley, sage, basil, rosemary and thyme are a great place to start. And if you enjoy these, you can easily branch out to add more herbs! A balcony herb garden is great for a variety of reasons. Consider these great benefits if you are considering a balcony garden:
Flavor: Herbs can change your recipes for the better by adding layers of flavor to your meals.
Smell: Herbs have distinct smells and are quite fragrant. The smells will be an aromatic addition to your life while naturally keeping away insects.
Convenience: When you’re in the middle of making dinner and herbs are growing on the balcony, picking a few leaves or branches is so convenient, you will love having a garden right outside your door.
Savings: Growing your own herbs means cutting down the weekly budget and only picking what you need.
Time: Herbs require minimal care and most just need water and they can flourish!
And to get going sooner than later, be sure to buy already sprouted seedlings! This will save you a few weeks of waiting.
For more on balcony gardening, keep reading!
This post is courtesy of Pink Tractor. PinkTractor.com is bringing PINK to the farm with all things for women in agriculture. Visit them for equipment smarts, tips on succession, ideas on sharing your farm story, market information, family fun, recipes, farm safety and more. PinkTractor.com. Farm Strong. Woman Smart. Learn more about Pink Tractor in a previous post!