Cultivating More Than Soil

As a mom, my happiest moments are when we are working together as a family. That often happens in our little backyard garden. My husband and I work side-by-side showing our three daughters how to nurture the earth for a bountiful harvest. Through this experience, we cultivate much more than soil. Life lessons such as delayed gratification, problem solving, collaboration, hard work, and more.


This weekend, we picked strawberries, thinned the carrots, fertilized the tomatoes, composted the remaining lettuce (too wormy for me), and mulched the garden. Everyone got their hands dirty, especially our three-year-old, who kept me on my toes with the never-ending “why” questions. From personal experience, I know that gardening as a family takes a little bit of planning and a lot of patience but will yield your family more than a basket full of veggies.




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