Nutrients for Life will be participating in the #GLAG21 conference February of 2021

What is GLAG?
The GLAG conference is focused on supporting educators in globalizing instruction in food, fiber, and natural resources. The Global Learning in Agriculture Conference is designed to help you create global learning opportunities in agriculture for students in any discipline.
When is it?
#GLAG21: Taking Action occurs the week of February 8th. The culminating event of Global Learning in Ag Week is the Live session on Friday, February 12th from 1pm ET to 4pm ET (it is recorded!).
How does it happen? The week of professional learning is entirely online utilizing daily with on-demand presentation and live learning opportunities. The program will be using WHOVA as a conference platform for the first time in 2021. Learn more by visiting the conference website
How can I participate!? Register today at
For free limited conference registration, contact Free limited registrations will be on a first come first serve basis.
Digital Passes! Register soon.
Who Should Attend?
- All educators of all contexts who are interested in global issues related to food, fiber, and natural resources
- Secondary educators interested in food, fiber, and natural resources
- Extension educators
- Post-secondary/university faculty of all disciplines interested in food, fiber & natural resources
- Post-secondary/ university students interested in agricultural education
- Agricultural education professionals broadly defined